LA Ageless Medical Aesthetics

PRP/PRF Beverly Hills, CA

PRP/PRF offers an innovative approach to various medical treatments we offer at LA Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Beverly Hills CA. Dubbed as “Liquid Gold” due to its remarkable properties, this innovative solution effectively stimulates cellular growth within the body. Through a simple process of drawing the patient’s blood, undergoing processing, and subsequent utilization, PRP/PRF showcases its exceptional advantages, such as promoting hair growth, reducing scar visibility, boosting collagen production, and many other benefits.


PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood and consists of a concentrated form of platelets, vital for blood clotting functions. These platelets, along with the plasma component of the blood, encompass numerous factors crucial for cell recruitment, proliferation, and specialization.


Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) provides a highly natural means to induce collagen production. Whether administered through injections or microneedling techniques, PRF serves as a second-generation PRP, wherein platelets and leukocytes work in synergy to expedite the healing process for both soft and hard tissues.

Book your PRP/PRF treatment with LA Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Beverly Hills CA today! Our experienced and highly trained professionals can help you achieve the best results with the most advanced and innovative treatments available. Contact LA Ageless now to find out more and schedule an appointment.

Facial lifting thread. Thread facelift with arrows on face for woman's skin, procedure facial contouring using mesothreads. Close up. Concept of plastic surgery

Facial Injections

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Plasma Fibrin (PRF) can be injected into areas of the face to help increase collagen, tighten, and improve the texture of the skin. To get the best results from this amazing PRP/PRF treatment, it’s important to stay hydrated for 24 hours before your appointment, as it requires us to draw your blood.

Scar Treatment

PRP/PRF is a great, minimally-invasive method to reduce the visibility of scarring caused by injuries, stretch marks, surgeries, or any other cosmetic procedure. If you are looking for a way to minimize the appearance of a breast augmentation scar or a tummy tuck scar, this treatment can help! You may need a series of 3-4 PRP/PRF treatments for the best results. To ensure your comfort, please come 15 minutes early to your appointment in order to numb the area. Please make sure you stay hydrated 24 hours before your appointment, as this treatment requires us to draw your blood.

Woman face before and after acne treatment procedure. Skin care
Woman face before and after acne treatment procedure. Skin care

Scar Treatment

PRP/PRF is a great, minimally-invasive method to reduce the visibility of scarring caused by injuries, stretch marks, surgeries, or any other cosmetic procedure. If you are looking for a way to minimize the appearance of a breast augmentation scar or a tummy tuck scar, this treatment can help! You may need a series of 3-4 PRP/PRF treatments for the best results. To ensure your comfort, please come 15 minutes early to your appointment in order to numb the area. Please make sure you stay hydrated 24 hours before your appointment, as this treatment requires us to draw your blood.

Beautiful woman getting injection for hair growth.

Hair Restoration

Have you been experiencing increased hair loss? PRP and PRF treatments could be the solution for you! PRP and PRF are like fertilizer for your hair, helping it to grow. To get the best results from PRP/PRF treatments, it is recommended to have a series of 3-4 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Optimal results can be seen in 4-9 months. Before your appointment, make sure you stay hydrated to ensure that we can draw your blood.

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