Renuva in Beverly Hills, CA


Results can now endure for up to 10 years with Renuva. As we age, we lose volume in our faces, primarily from the fat pads that aid in supporting our facial features. Renuva meticulously stimulates fat cells to proliferate in a regulated manner. Consequently, improvement occurs gradually, permitting natural outcomes rather than an abrupt, conspicuous change overnight. Generally, 1-3 treatments are necessary, contingent upon the extent of restoration required. Results become evident within 8-12 weeks following treatment


What is Renuva?

Renuva is an innovative treatment that gradually replaces age-related fat loss with your body’s fat. It’s safe and effective for restoring volume in your face, hands, and body. Made from biocompatible materials, Renuva contains proteins and collagen similar to those naturally found in your fat. With regenerative components akin to native fat, Renuva rejuvenates tissues and offers a transformative solution for volume loss.

Why Renuva?

Renuva is the first and only treatment that, when injected into areas such as the face, hands, and other body parts, is gradually replaced by your fat. Until now, medically trained aesthetic injectors didn’t have an off-the-shelf treatment that could replace a patient’s fat loss with fat. With Renuva, now we do! Patients experience a natural-looking, youthful result from Renuva. However, patients being treated with fillers over time can develop an unnatural look, termed “Filler Fatigue.” Filler Fatigue results from water drawn to the particles in hyaluronic acid, causing swelling, which can often be described and confused with someone being “overdone.”

Who makes Renuva?

Renuva is produced by MTF (Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation) Biologics, a global organization dedicated to saving and improving lives through advancements in tissue and organ donation, transplantation, and research. Collaborating with leading physicians, scientists, and tissue and organ recovery experts, MTF honors donated gifts, serves patients, and drives scientific progress. With a focus on creating the highest quality and safest tissue grafts, MTF also supports clinicians and researchers in advancing the field of transplantation. For over 35 years, MTF Biologics has developed innovative allograft solutions for orthopedics, wound care, plastic, and reconstructive surgery. Their commitment extends to scientific research, addressing unmet medical needs, and humanitarian efforts such as donations to individuals, disaster relief, physician mission trips, and more.

How does Renuva work?

When injected, Renuva forms a structure resembling a honeycomb, subsequently infused with the individual’s natural fat. Over three to six months, Renuva gradually dissipates, leaving behind the person’s adipose tissue.

Are there any allergens in Renuva that people should be aware of?

Renuva is not recommended for patients with severe allergy sensitivities or those with a history of anaphylaxis. Patients concerned about severe allergy sensitivities or related concerns should consult their physician.

Will I be bruised by Renuva?

In the face, the deep layers of fat contribute to a youthful appearance, while superficial fat adds to a healthy look. Bruising can occur when hyaluronic acid fillers are injected into the dermis, where the skin’s blood vessels are located. However, Renuva is injected into the subcutaneous and deep layers of fat, bypassing these blood vessels. While most patients may experience redness and swelling, some may notice firmness and tenderness.

Are there any side effects or risk factors associated with using Renuva?

Redness and swelling are common reactions following Renuva treatment, which can persist for several days. Additionally, some patients may experience firmness and tenderness. As with most treatments of this nature, over-the-counter pain medication can be taken, and applying ice may help alleviate discomfort.

Is it true that Renuva comes from donated human tissue or cadavers?

Yes, Renuva is indeed an adipose allograft matrix derived from human tissue. However, it undergoes rigorous manufacturing processes to preserve its naturally occurring collagens and proteins. Just as regenerative collagens and proteins have been utilized in medicine for many years, Renuva extends this application into the aesthetic industry. Tissue donation has been a practice for nearly a century, contributing to various medical procedures such as reconstructive surgeries, skin grafting, burn care, and abdominal wall repairs. Donated tissue undergoes extensive screening and processing to ensure quality and safety.

How long does Renuva last compared to other fillers like Sculptra?

Renuva is a non-surgical alternative to fat transfer that is available off the shelf. Biostimulators like
Sculptra trigger the body to create collagen through scar tissue. With Renuva, we can restore
volume by leaving behind our fat where fat loss has occurred due to aging.

Is Renuva FDA-approved?

Renuva is regulated by the FDA as an HCT/P (Human Cell & Tissue-Based Product). It is commonly used for injections to restore volume in areas such as the face, hands, and body where fat naturally exists. Renuva has undergone rigorous safety testing and is approved by the FDA for use anywhere in the body where fat exists, including areas like the cheeks, hands, and body.

How was Renuva created? What was the impetus for creating such a treatment?

Renuva is manufactured by MTF Biologics, a company founded and led by physicians committed to developing allograft solutions for surgeries like mastectomy reconstruction. Their dedication to innovation led to the creation of Renuva, a process preserving naturally occurring collagens and proteins.

Who can perform Renuva treatments?

Renuva treatments are exclusively administered by America’s most elite medically trained aesthetic injectors.

How many injections of Renuva are necessary per treatment?

The number of Renuva injections required varies depending on the patient, the targeted area, and the desired outcome.

How often is it recommended that someone undergo Renuva treatment?

Volume restoration with Renuva typically takes 12-16 weeks, with noticeable volume loss expected after two weeks. It’s advisable to wait 3 months before considering subsequent injections, though injectors may opt for serial injections until the desired result is achieved.

What testing has been done on Renuva?

Renuva has undergone extensive safety testing to ensure its efficacy and safety for patients.

Is there an age requirement for using Renuva?

Patients should consult their elite injector to determine if they are suitable candidates for Renuva. While it’s recommended for individuals experiencing volume loss, Renuva can be used preventatively as an anti-aging treatment, even for those in their mid-30s.

How is Renuva different from competitors like Sculptra?

Renuva stands as the first off-the-shelf non-surgical alternative to fat transfer. Unlike biostimulators like Sculptra, which trigger collagen production in the form of scar tissue, Renuva restores volume by utilizing the patient’s fat.


What is Renuva?

Renuva is an innovative treatment that gradually replaces age-related fat loss with your body’s fat. It’s safe and effective for restoring volume in your face, hands, and body. Made from biocompatible materials, Renuva contains proteins and collagen similar to those naturally found in your fat. With regenerative components akin to native fat, Renuva rejuvenates tissues and offers a transformative solution for volume loss.

Why Renuva?

Renuva is the first and only treatment that, when injected into areas such as the face, hands, and other body parts, is gradually replaced by your fat. Until now, medically trained aesthetic injectors didn’t have an off-the-shelf treatment that could replace a patient’s fat loss with fat. With Renuva, now we do! Patients experience a natural-looking, youthful result from Renuva. However, patients being treated with fillers over time can develop an unnatural look, termed “Filler Fatigue.” Filler Fatigue results from water drawn to the particles in hyaluronic acid, causing swelling, which can often be described and confused with someone being “overdone.”

Who makes Renuva?

Renuva is produced by MTF (Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation) Biologics, a global organization dedicated to saving and improving lives through advancements in tissue and organ donation, transplantation, and research. Collaborating with leading physicians, scientists, and tissue and organ recovery experts, MTF honors donated gifts, serves patients, and drives scientific progress. With a focus on creating the highest quality and safest tissue grafts, MTF also supports clinicians and researchers in advancing the field of transplantation. For over 35 years, MTF Biologics has developed innovative allograft solutions for orthopedics, wound care, plastic, and reconstructive surgery. Their commitment extends to scientific research, addressing unmet medical needs, and humanitarian efforts such as donations to individuals, disaster relief, physician mission trips, and more.

How does Renuva work?

When injected, Renuva forms a structure resembling a honeycomb, subsequently infused with the individual’s natural fat. Over three to six months, Renuva gradually dissipates, leaving behind the person’s adipose tissue.

Are there any allergens in Renuva that people should be aware of?

Renuva is not recommended for patients with severe allergy sensitivities or those with a history of anaphylaxis. Patients concerned about severe allergy sensitivities or related concerns should consult their physician.

Will I be bruised by Renuva?

In the face, the deep layers of fat contribute to a youthful appearance, while superficial fat adds to a healthy look. Bruising can occur when hyaluronic acid fillers are injected into the dermis, where the skin’s blood vessels are located. However, Renuva is injected into the subcutaneous and deep layers of fat, bypassing these blood vessels. While most patients may experience redness and swelling, some may notice firmness and tenderness.

Are there any side effects or risk factors associated with using Renuva?

Redness and swelling are common reactions following Renuva treatment, which can persist for several days. Additionally, some patients may experience firmness and tenderness. As with most treatments of this nature, over-the-counter pain medication can be taken, and applying ice may help alleviate discomfort.

Is it true that Renuva comes from donated human tissue or cadavers?

Yes, Renuva is indeed an adipose allograft matrix derived from human tissue. However, it undergoes rigorous manufacturing processes to preserve its naturally occurring collagens and proteins. Just as regenerative collagens and proteins have been utilized in medicine for many years, Renuva extends this application into the aesthetic industry. Tissue donation has been a practice for nearly a century, contributing to various medical procedures such as reconstructive surgeries, skin grafting, burn care, and abdominal wall repairs. Donated tissue undergoes extensive screening and processing to ensure quality and safety.

How long does Renuva last compared to other fillers like Sculptra?

Renuva is a non-surgical alternative to fat transfer that is available off the shelf. Biostimulators like
Sculptra trigger the body to create collagen through scar tissue. With Renuva, we can restore
volume by leaving behind our fat where fat loss has occurred due to aging.

Is Renuva FDA-approved?

Renuva is regulated by the FDA as an HCT/P (Human Cell & Tissue-Based Product). It is commonly used for injections to restore volume in areas such as the face, hands, and body where fat naturally exists. Renuva has undergone rigorous safety testing and is approved by the FDA for use anywhere in the body where fat exists, including areas like the cheeks, hands, and body.

How was Renuva created? What was the impetus for creating such a treatment?

Renuva is manufactured by MTF Biologics, a company founded and led by physicians committed to developing allograft solutions for surgeries like mastectomy reconstruction. Their dedication to innovation led to the creation of Renuva, a process preserving naturally occurring collagens and proteins.

Who can perform Renuva treatments?

Renuva treatments are exclusively administered by America’s most elite medically trained aesthetic injectors.

How many injections of Renuva are necessary per treatment?

The number of Renuva injections required varies depending on the patient, the targeted area, and the desired outcome.

How often is it recommended that someone undergo Renuva treatment?

Volume restoration with Renuva typically takes 12-16 weeks, with noticeable volume loss expected after two weeks. It’s advisable to wait 3 months before considering subsequent injections, though injectors may opt for serial injections until the desired result is achieved.

What testing has been done on Renuva?

Renuva has undergone extensive safety testing to ensure its efficacy and safety for patients.

Is there an age requirement for using Renuva?

Patients should consult their elite injector to determine if they are suitable candidates for Renuva. While it’s recommended for individuals experiencing volume loss, Renuva can be used preventatively as an anti-aging treatment, even for those in their mid-30s.

How is Renuva different from competitors like Sculptra?

Renuva stands as the first off-the-shelf non-surgical alternative to fat transfer. Unlike biostimulators like Sculptra, which trigger collagen production in the form of scar tissue, Renuva restores volume by utilizing the patient’s fat.

Contact Us For Your Complimentary Skin Assessment

Renuva in Beverly Hills, CA


Results can now endure for up to 10 years with Renuva. As we age, we lose volume in our faces, primarily from the fat pads that aid in supporting our facial features. Renuva meticulously stimulates fat cells to proliferate in a regulated manner. Consequently, improvement occurs gradually, permitting natural outcomes rather than an abrupt, conspicuous change overnight. Generally, 1-3 treatments are necessary, contingent upon the extent of restoration required. Results become evident within 8-12 weeks following treatment


What Is Renuva?

Renuva is a groundbreaking injectable treatment that utilizes processed allograft adipose matrix to enhance the body’s natural fat production, leading to improved skin texture and volume. It is ideal for correcting small volume defects, smoothing out irregularities, and enhancing contours in areas such as the face, hands, and buttocks. Renuva is composed of donor fat tissue that has been thoroughly purified and processed to ensure safety and compatibility.

How Long Does the Renuva Take And What To Expect?

Renuva injections are performed by skilled medical professionals. The procedure typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. A fine needle or cannula is used to inject the Renuva matrix into the targeted areas. The treatment is minimally invasive and usually does not require anesthesia, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients. Following the injection, there may be some swelling or bruising, but this subsides within a few days.

How Does Renuva Work?

Renuva works by providing a scaffold for the body’s own fat cells to populate and integrate. Over time, the matrix is absorbed and replaced with the patient’s natural fat, leading to improved volume and skin texture. This process stimulates the body’s natural regenerative mechanisms, ending in a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Renuva is particularly effective for treating areas with volume loss or irregularities, providing a smoother and more contoured look.

Do Renuva Injections Hurt?

Most patients report minimal discomfort during the Renuva injection process. The treatment is usually well-tolerated, and any mild discomfort can be alleviated with a topical numbing cream applied before the procedure.

When Can You See Renuva Results?

Initial results can be seen shortly after the treatment, followed by continued improvement as the body’s natural fat integrates with the injected matrix. Optimal results are typically observed 3 to 6 months after the treatment, as the adipose matrix is fully absorbed and replaced with natural fat.

How Long Do Renuva Results Last For?

The longevity of Renuva varies from individual to individual, depending on lifestyle, age, and the area treated. However, once the final results are achieved, they can be longlasting, with many patients enjoying the benefits for several years. In order to maintain the desired outcome, touch-up treatments are recommended regularly.

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